
Key Extension

  • Key Lake deposits and showings 15 km from project boundary
  • Recently completed option agreement allowed CanAlaska to earn 100% interest
  • Minimal drill testing despite prolonged regional exploration
  • 2023 drill program intersected graphitic structures with basement alteration and uranium enrichment
  • Key Lake structure and stratigraphy interpreted to trend onto project
  • Objective: Basement-hosted uranium deposit discovery
  • Active exploration programs

Location and Ownership

This project is located in the Southeastern Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan and lies 15 km from the Key Lake mill complex. The past producing Key Lake Deposits are located 15 kilometers from the project boundary. The property is 100%-owned by CanAlaska Uranium Ltd.


  • The project lands have been subject to historical regional and project scale ground and airborne geophysical surveys. The regional geophysical surveys map linear magnetic low features with corresponding EM conductors, typical of the Lower Wollaston Domain on the Eastern claims.  Lesser focused prospecting programs have targeted lake sediment and boulder anomalies. Despite the prolonged regional exploration and discoveries in this part of the Athabasca Basin, the project lands have undergone minimal drill testing in the last 1970’s. This drilling consisted of shallow regional tests. Extensive drilling has been completed to the East-Northeast of the project in and around the Key Lake deposits.
  • Focused airborne magnetics and VTEM (Versatile Time Domain Electromagnetic) surveys were completed by past operators of the project in the early 2000’s, outlining an East-Northeast oriented conductive corridor coincident with a magnetic lineament that trends towards the historically producing Key Lake deposits. In addition, the surveys identified a prominent 10 km long NE-trending conductor corridor that is parallel to the Mudjatik-Wollaston transition.
  • 2023 Exploration program identified graphitic structures with basement alteration and uranium enrichment”. As a result of the 2023 program, over 16 kilometres of prospective conductive stratigraphy have been identified as priority exploration targets.


Basement rocks comprising Archean granitoids and Lower Proterozoic Wollaston and Mudjatik group metamorphic rocks. These metamorphic rocks are composed of supracrustal rocks (psammites, pelites and minor greenstones) and associated intrusions. The project is entirely hosted in the basement rocks and contains no Athabasca sandstone cover.


The focus of exploration on this project is for basement-hosted uranium deposits like the McArthur River, Arrow, Eagle Point, or Millennium deposits. The area has numerous conductors and faults which act as both conduits and traps for potential uranium mineralization. A number of structures and conductive targets have been identified on the project.

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