Athabasca Diamond Project
In late December 2017, CanAlaska staked 3 claims, in an area recently opened for staking, north of Patterson Lake, Saskatchewan. These claims contain kimberlite-style targets with clear magnetic responses similar to the ones tested by De Beers in 2016, but here these magnetic anomalies are associated with strong electromagnetic responses, modeled to be over 50 […]
Mouse Mountain Cu-Au Project
Summary of the Mouse Mountain Project Mouse Mountain is a well known Cu-Au porphyry located in the central Quesnellia terrane between Mt Polley and Mt Milligan. It has seen sporadic exploration since the 1950’s when a carload of hand sorted ore grading 5.5% Cu was sent to the Tacoma smelter. CanAlaska acquired the property by […]
Thompson Nickel Belt – Main

Introduction CanAlaska has acquired eight properties in the Thompson Nickel Belt (TNB): Strong, Hunter, Wilson, Strong Extension and North Moak in the North of the Belt and Manibridge, Resting and Halfway in the South of the Belt (Figure 1). The TNB is the host of over 18 nickel deposits, and with production of 6 billion […]
Ruttan area Cu-Zn Project
Summary of the Nisku Property The Nisku Property is located 10 km of the former Ruttan Mine. It is underlain by a volcano-sedimentary sequence similar to the one hosting the Ruttan deposit. Old drill holes show the presence of chalcopyrite in several horizons. A VTEM survey carried out in 2009 by Kria Resources outline a […]