ARTICLE: New diamond play emerging in Saskatchewan
Author: Thomas Schuster Excerpted from The Resource World In May this year, the market’s attention focused on the $20 million staged option-participation deal made between CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. [CVV-TSX; CVVUF-OTCQB; DH7N-FSE] and De Beers Canada, a division of Anglo American Group. That agreement spawned a new round of speculation fever in the Saskatchewan diamond camp […]
ARTICLE from World Nuclear News “An environmentalist view of nuclear”
Excerpt from World Nuclear News An anti-nuclear activist in the 1970s was afraid of tyranny. An anti-nuclear activist now is afraid of radiation. But tyranny didn’t happen and the effects of radiation are misunderstood. The threat of climate change IS real and, to fight it, we need nuclear power, writes Scott L. Montgomery. I was in […]
ARTICLE from “It’s time to go nuclear in the fight against climate change”
Excerpt from By Eric Holthaus on Jan 12, 2018 After holding steady for the past three years, global carbon emissions rose in 2017 by an estimated 2 percent. That increase comes amid the largest renewable energy boom in world history. That irony points to what I see as an inescapable conclusion: The world probably can’t […]
ARTICLE from “UxC White Paper: Prospects for China’s Nuclear Program”
Excerpt from This White Paper has been prepared by Jonathan Hinze, Executive Vice President, International at Ux Consulting (UxC), which is a leading global nuclear market consultancy based in the United States. Significant input for this paper was also provided by Dr. Hui Zhang, Senior Research Associate at the Project on Managing the Atom in […]
ARTICLE FROM Nuclear Power Provides A Whole Lot More Than Just Energy
Excerpt from Another study on the economics of nuclear energy found unequivocally that nuclear power plants provide substantial economic benefits to the states and regions in which they reside. In this case, the study focused on the Columbia Generating Station, operated by Energy Northwest, in eastern Washington State. Performed by the Nuclear Energy Institute, the […]
ARTICLE: New Important Uranium Discovery with Cameco, interview with Peter Dasler, President, CEO
Excerpt from CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. (TSX-V: CVV; OTCQB: CVVUF; Frankfurt: DH7N) is a project generator that holds interests in approximately 152,000 hectares (375,000 acres), in Canada’s Athabasca Basin region, famous for its large, high-grade uranium resources. While advancing the West McArthur and Cree East uranium projects, CanAlaska’s primary focus is on uranium. We learned from […]
ARTICLE fromm Why electric vehicles could fracture the nickel market: Andy Home
Excerpt from< (The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters) LONDON, March 8 (Reuters) -- China's Ministry of Finance made some minor but significant tweaks to its nickel import tariffs at the start of this year. The import duty on melting-grade nickel cathode was doubled from 1 percent to 2 […]
ARTICLE: “Why I changed my mind about nuclear power: Transcript of Michael Shellenberger’s TEDx Berlin 2017”
Excerpt from By Michael Shellenberger Like a lot of kids born in the early 1970s, I had the good fortune to be raised by hippies. One of my childhood heroes was Stewart Brand. Stewart is not only one of the original hippies, he’s also one of the first modern environmentalists of the 1960s and 70s. […]
ARTICLE: Nuclear energy can make a carbon-free future a reality
Publisher: Author: Scott L. MOntgomery Excerpt from By Scott L. Montgomery With or without the U.S., nuclear power will grow worldwide. Many hundreds of new reactors will be built. Discussions in the U.S. on nuclear power often overlook the simple reality that it is an expanding worldwide energy source. This doesn’t mean only China; it means […]
ARTICLE: China upgrades nuclear reactors to wean itself off coal
Excerpt from Asia Advanced designs use homegrown and foreign technology as West looks on warily SHUNSUKE TABETA, Nikkei staff writer November 04, 2018 12:03 JST BEIJING — China’s state-owned power plant operators are introducing safer, more efficient nuclear reactors as the government looks to raise its nuclear power capacity by 50% by 2020 to reduce […]
ARTICLE FROM STOCKHOUSE: Positioned for a Nuclear Power Renaissance
Excerpt from Jeff Neilson, Stockhouse Positioned for a Nuclear Power Renaissance There is a Renaissance in nuclear power. Less than a decade after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, this is a reality that few people saw coming. Powering this reversal are changing attitudes. After decades of political intransigence (from a few, key players), a global consensus has […]
INTERVIEWS: Junior uranium explorer anticipating higher prices
Excerpted from Stockhouse Interviews The five-year bear market in the mining industry has been a very difficult period for many metals markets and the companies producing and exploring for those metals. Nowhere has this slump been more difficult than in the uranium sector. In 2007; the price of yellowcake spiked to over $150/lb. After plunging […]

Location The Hunter Project is located 20km north of Thompson, Manitoba and consists of one Mineral Exploration License and 11 claims for a total area of 12,520 hectares in the northern extension of the TNB. Geology The area is underlain by Archean, Ospwagan Group and ultramafic intrusions. Locally Kisseynew metasediments are infolded with the Ospwagan […]

Location The Strong Project consists of one Mineral Exploration Licenses totaling 6,140 hectares, located 26km north of Thompson, Manitoba. Geology The TNB compilation in Figure 2 of the TNB shows the area to be underlain by Archean, Ospwagan Group with some ultramfics. Strong figure 1 shows a revised and more detailed geology interpreted from the […]
North Thompson
Location The Strong Extension (14,309ha), Moak North (6,025ha) and Wilson (5,272ha) are three Mineral Exploration Licenses applied for in October 2021, based on the data from a 2008 VTEM survey obtained by CanAlaska. They are located 35km northwest of Thompson, adjacent to highway 320. Geology The geology from the TNB compilation has been extended and […]
Location The Manibridge Project consists of 19 claims totaling 4,368 hectares, located 125km south west of Thompson, and 32km southwest Wabowden, Manitoba. It is accessible by road from highway 6. The claims contain the site of the reclaimed Manibridge Mine. Geology The area is part of the Thompson Nickel Belt and contains the same formations […]
Location The Resting property consists of eleven mineral claims with a total area of 2,322 hectares. It is located in the southern Thompson Nickel Belt 5 km south of Wabowden and the Bucko deposit and northwest of the Manibridge. Geology The Resting Ospwagan Group forms an elongated synform within Archean gneisses, both surrounded by a […]
Location The Halfway property consists of eight mineral claims with a total area of 1,876 hectares. It is located in the southern Thompson Nickel Belt, 12km northeast of Wabowden and less than 2km from highway 6. Geology The Halfway property covers the north and the South of an Ospwagan synform within Archean basement. The core […]
NE Wollaston
Location The NE Wollaston projects consist of four claim groupings totalling 29,671 hectares, located 60 kilometres northeast of Cameco’s Rabbit Lake mill and Eagle Point mine (Figure 1). Geology The project areas cover the Collins Bay Fault, host to the Rabbit Lake, Collins Bay A, B and D, and Eagle Point orebodies, beyond the edge […]

CanAlaska’s Geikie property, totaling 33,897 ha, is located 7 km Southeast of the present-day Athabasca Basin edge, in Saskatchewan, Canada. The property straddles the extension of a fertile corridor of biotite gneisses hosting the Agip S high-grade uranium showing (up to 58% U3O8), and the recent Baselode Energy radioactive intersections near Beckett Lake. These […]