- Near interpreted regional Rabbit Lake – Collins Bay fault system
- Located within 10 km of Cigar Lake mine site
- Polymetallic unconformity uranium mineralization associated with nickel, cobalt, and arsenic
- Objective: Large polymetallic unconformity-hosted uranium deposit
- Planned 2022 exploration programs
Location and Ownership
This project is located in the Northeastern Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan and lies 10 km from the Cigar Lake mine site. The property is 100% owned and operated by CanAlaska Uranium. The company is actively recruiting Joint Venture partners for this project.
- The project area was explored historically by SMDC, Noranda, COGEMA, and Cameco who performed a variety of geochemical surveys, airborne and ground based geophysical surveys.
- In the 1980’s, Noranda exploration completed a drill fence on the project, identifying basement-hosted uranium mineralization, assaying 0.12% U3O8 over 0.1 m from 283 m.
- In the early 2000’s, Cameco completed an EM survey and three drill holes on the project. SOD-253, was abandoned before reaching the unconformity but intersected pervasively bleached sandstone with weak sooty pyrite.
- Since the mid-2000’s, CanAlaska explored the Waterbury South project as part of a larger group of claims. On the Waterbury South claim, CanAlaska has completed a GEOTEM and airborne magnetic survey. In addition, a DC Resistivity Survey was completed on the project that has identified sandstone resistivity low breaches, a typical response for post-Athabasca structure and alteration on other projects in the area.
- In 2021, CanAlaska completed three drillholes on the Waterbury South project. This drill program was highlighted by WAT009 which intersected a strongly altered lower sandstone column with bleaching, sooty pyrite, desilicification, and chlorite, which contained polymetallic mineralization at the unconformity. The polymetallic mineralization is characterized by 0.5 m with 405 ppm uranium, 2.42% nickel, 2.34% arsenic, 0.5% zinc, and 801 ppm cobalt from 349 – 349.5 m. The basement of WAT009 contains several intervals of clay and chlorite altered graphitic pelite with well-developed re-activated semi-brittle fault zones showing evidence for fluid rock interaction in the wallrock that represent targets at the unconformity.
The project consists of approximately 250 m of Athabasca sandstones that overlie a basement of Wollaston supercrustals (psammites, pelites, graphitic pelites and calcsilicates) that in turn overlie Archean granitic gneisses.
The focus of exploration on this project is for high-grade polymetallic unconformity-hosted uranium deposits like the Cigar Lake deposit. In addition, potential exists of basement-hosted deposits such as McArthur River, Arrow, or Eagle Point. The project has several conductors and faults which act as both conduits and traps for potential uranium mineralization.